The Miyawaki Method works in these six steps:-
1. First, start with soil. To identify what nutrition the soil lacks.
2. Identify what species should be growing in this soil, depending on climate.
3. Then identify locally abundant biomass available in that region to give the soil whatever nourishment it needs. This is typically an agricultural or industrial byproduct, but it can be almost anything, it must come from within 50 kilometers of the site, which means we have to be flexible.
4. Once the soil is amended to a depth of one meter, plant saplings that are up to 80 centimeters high, packing them in very densely, three to five saplings per square meter.
5. The forest itself must cover a 100-square-meter minimum area. This grows into a forest so dense that after eight months, sunlight can’t reach the ground. At this point,every drop of rain that falls is conserved, and every leaf that falls is converted into humus. The more the forest grows, the more it generates nutrients for itself, accelerating further growth. This density also means that individual trees begin competing for sunlight, another reason these forests grow so fast.
6. The forest needs to be watered and weeded for the first two or three years, at which point it becomes self-sustaining. After that, it’s best to disturb the forest as little as possible to allow its eco system, including animals, to become established.